I had the privilege of being raised in a home where I learned about who God was at an early age and that God loved me even more than my parents, so much so that He had his Son, Jesus, die for me so I could spend forever with Him. I learned the value of hard work from my parents as well as a love for God and other people. I loved working outdoors, especially on a dairy farm where I learned to take care of the animals and run the machinery. Even now I enjoy taking a break from the everyday duties of a pastor to go out and help on a farm or run excavating equipment. I like participating in sports like basketball and soccer, but my real passion when it comes to recreation is hunting, fishing and going horseback riding and camping with my wife.

I was married the summer I turned 22 and worked as the general manager of a sporting goods business. It was 5 years after this that I responded to God’s leading in my life and went to college to train to be a pastor. My wife of 20 years died of cancer when I was 42 and I was left with a 12 year old boy and a 8 year old girl to raise. God in His mercy knew I couldn’t do this alone and two years later He brought a wonderful woman and her 3 children into my life and we married. I have had the privilege to see this family blended together in an unbelievable way because of God’s grace to us.
I love to study God’s word and teach it to others so that we can grow in our love for God and better learn how to serve others. I really love to help people see how that God’s word has the answer for eternity and for the struggles we face today. I have served at Calvary Baptist Church since 1991 and love the community of believers God has brought together here and would love to serve you as well. Colossians 1:28,29, is my own personal purpose statement, “I exist to proclaim Christ, confront sin, and teach godly wisdom to men and women until we all become mature followers of Christ”. I can accomplish this only through the power of Christ working through me.